Buzz: Questions & Answers

Rubric displaying

Betsy Springer
1. I do not have rubric as an option on my assessment Gradebook settings box. 2. Is there a way to display the rubric to students during the assessment?

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Allison Shepherd
  • Agilix team member

Good afternoon Betsy,

In our documentation titled How do I create and use rubrics? , it states that "you can only create rubrics for activities that are manually graded. This means that they cannot be applied to an entire assessment and practice question activity, but they can be used for individual essay questions within those activities." If you are unable to add a rubric to an individual essay question, please provide the course ID and activity ID for the activity in question. 


Unfortunately, at this time, we do not allow rubrics to be available to students during exams in order to prevent potentially influencing the student's outcome or score on gradable rubrics.
However, we do offer a couple of alternative solutions that you may want to consider. One option is to upload supportive information in the "Companion Material" card of the assessment question editor. This material will be accessible to students via a paper clip button in the upper right-hand side of the toolbar in Buzz during the exam. Another option is to create a passage question that contains supplemental information, which students will see when the exam begins.

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Betsy Springer

Thank you for that. Having the optional to display the rubric would be a great addition. Or having a way to link it as a resource. Adding a resource doesn't allow me to display the rubric I use. I have to create a second copy and attach that, which is more work. 

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