Buzz: Questions & Answers


Kathleen Owens
Hello- I am a Spanish teacher and I don't see any of the materials that I need for my checkpoint exam. I can't remember if I sign in to the middle school buzz or high school. I did get signed in on middle, but there is nothing there.

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Trevor Williams
  • Agilix team member

Good morning Kathleen!

To access your online learning environment in Buzz use this site: 

The content should be in the courses that you are enrolled in. If it is not currently there, then I would recommend reaching out to your online learning environment's support team to address and possibly escalate the reported behavior.

We have reached out to your organization's support team concerning this, and they will hopefully reach out to you soon.

Additionally, none of your enrollments appear to be teacher enrollments. This might also be the reason for not seeing the materials.

I am happy to help if you need any further questions addressed with this! 




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