Buzz: Product Feedback

To Do List

Feature idea (LEVEL 2)
One of our partner schools reached out asking if there is any way to adjust the student's to-do list to state the actual date activities are due instead of "due Monday". They reported "It gets a little confusing I find and could help clarify for families. Thanks so much!"

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Allison Shepherd
  • Agilix team member

Good afternoon!

In a continuous course, students are able to select the days they would like activity due dates to fall on using the Due Date Scheduler. This does have to be enabled in the Domain Features page of the domain that the course is housed in. 

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Hello, thank you for your response!

Apologies, I meant to submit this as a feature request.

Let me rephrase the request:

The school is requesting for the due date statement (within the to-do list) to change format from stating "Due: Monday/Wed/Thurs/Today/Tomorrow, etc" or "Past Due: Last Monday" to a date format similar to MM/DD/YYYY. That way the students can recognize and see the date immediately rather than the day it lands on.

I have attached a screenshot of an example of the two formats:

Thank you!



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