Buzz: Product Feedback

Bulk Edit Settings

Emily Satterstrom
I want to have all daily gradable activities set the same way. (i.e.. 2 attempts, allow speech stream, allow highlighting, etc..). Right now, I have to go into each individual assignment and click the options. This becomes time consuming and tedious when I have 6 courses to set-up each semester.

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khutchison-stowers khutchison-stowers

I would make a template and hide it from the students - then when you are ready to create, your activity, duplicate the activity, and then edit it to change the name and due date.


Then when you are adding to your other classes, add activity, then from your library.

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Michele Nickels

That is a great idea but what about when you are using vendor created content and those activities are all already pre-created?

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Steven Martins
  • Agilix team member

Hey everyone!

For both vendor content and non-vendor content, I recommend using course templates. However, if you use vendor content, you'll need to check with the vendor if they allow copying their courses and changing the Buzz activity settings. If they allow that or you're using your content, you can create a course template, set up the template course activities, and then use the course template when setting up new courses for another semester. That'll cut down on the time of manually making changes to the content for each new semester.

Additionally, you can go to the "Activity List" tab in the course editor to bulk edit activities. While it doesn't have all of the desired options, it does allow setting the number of attempts.

I hope this info helps!

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