Dawn: Questions & Answers


Sarah Blanchard
Hello, My child is transgender and goes by Allan Blanchard. Eliana is now considered his " dead" name and it's very upsetting for him to see. However, it is still his legal name so I understand it needs to be on formal records, but can we change it on the user interface for his courses/

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Caitlin Glimme

Hi Sarah, I am a teacher who uses Buzz. I had the same question for 3 of my students.  We were going through the official channels in our district for completing a name change form that would change it in places like their email, but our Registrar who enrolls students in Buzz went in and changed their display name in Buzz.  Since Buzz is not our official grade book, Skyward is, we were able to make this change.  Hopefully you can find the right person in your child's school to help!

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Sarah Blanchard

Thanks for your response Caitlin! Helpful.

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Cecily Ngoka


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