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Auto-Zeroed assignments are being marked complete even with that option unchecked

Heather Adovnik
In my course settings > Advanced Options I set a check for "automatically assign zero scores to past-due activities" and then unchecked the "mark auto-zeroed activities as complete. However it is still marking all my assignments as complete and I have to manually go in and allow a retry. What am I missing?

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Bruce Sharp

Check the settings for your individual assignments. Do you maybe have them set to be complete when student receives any score?

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Heather Adovnik

It was set to student submits. So it needs to be changed to receives a passing score?

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Heather Adovnik

Is there a way to change that for all activities at once?


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Bruce Sharp

I believe the setting automatically assign zero scores to past-due activities submits a zero for the student score. If so, that would count as a student submission. Changing the setting to receives a passing score should fix it. (Hopefully, someone from Agilix will correct me if this is incorrect.) Be aware, that the assignment won't drop from a student's to-do list until it is complete. If you don't want to allow additional attempts, their to-do list can grow pretty long. 

For what it's worth I allow unlimited attempts at assignments. I use the setting receives a passing score and also set the passing score to 70%. That way it won't drop off of their to-do list until they earn at least a 70.

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Heather Adovnik

That's exactly what I was looking for! It drove me crazy that it would get marked complete and come off the to-do list when I put in 0's.


Do you have to do it for each individual assignment or can you do it en mass?

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Bruce Sharp

Unfortunately, you can't change those settings with the bulk editor. You'll have to change individual assignments.

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Heather Adovnik

I just found it!

If you have admin rights you can in the "Power Tools"

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Bruce Sharp

I'm glad you were able to make the global edit. :)

I don't have admin rights in my role, so I don't know what's possible there.

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Brian Williams
  • Agilix team member

Heather Adovnik

I am glad you were able to find a solution for bulk editing. I do want to note that Power Tools is a custom tool designed by a customer's organization and may not be available to some customers. 

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