Buzz: Product Feedback

color coding different types of assignments




I know that I can check the thumbnail icon for each assignment; however, I think it would be very helpful if the types of assignments were color coded.

For example:


homework/practice questions=yellow


and so on.  This would be easier for the students to find assignments.


Thank you for your time and consideration!

Comments (5)

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Scott Taylor

Thank you for the suggestion on ways to continue to improve Buzz! We will keep this in mind for further internal discussion.

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Bruce Sharp

I like the idea of the entire title being color-coded. In the meantime, judicial use of icons can be a substitute. Even if you just used a solid color block of blue for assessments, yellow for practice, etc.

Here is an example from our algebra course. The Buzz icons are practice, the confetti looking icon contains helpful links, and so forth.

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Shane Foglesong

Can this be set as a default or does it need to be done for each resource?

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Bruce Sharp

If you have already created the resources, I'm pretty sure you need to change the icons individually. Maybe icons can be changed globally, but I doubt it. Agilix would have to comment on that for confirmation.

If you are still building in your course, I would create a hidden folder. In the hidden folder I would make templates for resources, quizzes, or whatever else you include in your course. The template should have the icon you want and all of the settings like points possible, number of attempts, and so forth. Then when you want to add something to your course, you can use the duplicate feature to make a copy of the template so you don't have to redo all of your settings each time.

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Shane Foglesong

Thank you for the quick reply. Great idea with the hidden folder.

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