Buzz: Product Feedback

Need to Add Feedback Features!

Feature idea (LEVEL 2)

Access to teacher feedback is still clunky and laborious for students. The feedback loop is one of the most critical factors for student success in an online class. It is crucial that is it visible and easy to access. Here are my suggestions:
1) Add a notification column (or tab) on the landing page for recent assignments graded and feedback received. Right now students must go several clicks in to access teacher feedback. Most students are unaware that they even have feedback unless they specifically go looking for it. If a preview of feedback was listed in a notifications column and students had the ability to click on the preview to "jump" to that activity and feedback, that would be ideal!
2) Add the ability for students to reply to teacher comments within Buzz and not have to use an external email (which students rarely do). Of course this would mean that teachers would also need the ability to see notifications when replies are submitted. The ability to create this kind of back-and-forth dialogue within the platform and within a specific activity would be fantastic.
3) Add variable feedback features like a quick click to add a time/date stamp when feedback is left. Being able to notify students that feedback was left for them in a timely manner would help a lot.
4) Add the ability for teachers to connect feedback to a specific portion of a student answer or assignment submission, kind of like the comment feature in Google Docs.

Comments (15)

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Lauren Rojas

I couldn't agree more. I would LOVE to see these changes! I truly believe it would help the student's learning experience so so much!

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Haylee Stewart

Agreed. Making the feedback loop more efficient would be so beneficial for students.

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Brad Marshall
  • Agilix team member

Hey everyone, I am happy to announce that coming this Summer, a new messaging and feedback experience is coming to Buzz. We have been working on this for a long time and are excited for you to get your hands on it.

For simplicity in regards to this particular post, it will include the ability for teachers and students to add messages directly to a grade. So instead of the old "feedback" where a teacher could post a single response, teachers and students can have a full discussion about the student's performance for the activity. This is to truly help provide better feedback and help the student close any discovered learning gaps.

In addition, new feedback messages will trigger an alert in the student's new Inbox, never letting feedback go unnoticed or unread!

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Abby Olsen

Amen!! This is one of the largest drawbacks and updates would be SO helpful!

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Brad Marshall Your reply is dated 11/2022. No updates or improvements yet. Do you have any follow up for this issue?

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Brad Marshall The new feedback features are outstanding!! Thank you to your team for being responsive and making this happen. I have already seen a huge improvement in the number and quality of teacher-student interactions.  

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Catelyn Alder

Yes, this change would make so much sense and be so helpful. I’ve wanted a change like this with feedback for a long time.

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Brad Marshall
  • Agilix team member

Hey everyone, thank you so much for your feedback!

I also agree; we can do much better to improve the feedback loops to help students be fully aware of how they can improve and to seek clarification, when needed. We have several ideas of how to further improve this and I hope that we'll be able to gain additional feedback from teachers, like yourselves, in the near future.

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Abby Olsen

I know this EXACT topic has CONSISTENTLY been brought up on other threads.  Please let these happen sooner rather than later... although we're almost at a 2 year wait from their original post so I'm starting to doubt they're actually listening to users as often as they'd like us to think they are.

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Abby Olsen

What AWESOME news!  I just want to verify that the feedback will stay connected to both assignments and assessments, meaning it won't disappear upon resubmission as it does now.  I didn't see anything about that in the news release.

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Brad Marshall
  • Agilix team member

Yes, the new feedback messages are not tied to specific submission versions, like it is currently. That means that as additional submissions are submitted, the student/teacher can still see the full message history.

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Abby Olsen


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Great news!! 

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Brad Marshall
  • Agilix team member

I am happy to hear that, Nkelsch! We really have spent a lot of time trying to make it the best experience possible. Its not perfect, but much better than before.

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Abby Olsen

Yes!! A HUGE thank you!!!

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