Buzz API

LTI not working, nothing seems to work with Buzz LTI

Gary Anderson
I am trying to get an LTI packet from two providers, and neither will work. I spent an hour and a half on the phone with the publisher's help desk, they did everything possible to help me get set up. Their next step was to contact Buzz and find out if there is a fix on this side. I can't figure out how to get help from the Buzz helpdesk. Frustration is building and the launch date is getting closer, I need some assistance quickly.

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Steven Martins
  • Agilix team member

Hi Gary,

I understand how frustrating that must be. Our team would like to get in contact to assist you. To do so, I recommend reaching out to your Agilix account manager to set up the process of submitting a ticket to Agilix Support. A support ticket will allow our team to work with you more quickly and directly to address this reported behavior since you indicated it is time sensitive to address.

In the meantime, is there a course ID and activity ID you would like to share where the reported behavior occurs? Could you share a screenshot of what you are seeing that is at issue? Please note that this is a public forum and should share information that you are comfortable with users outside your organization seeing. Otherwise, I recommend submitting a ticket to Agilix Support.  

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