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Agilix Learning Suite Release Notes

Buzz Release Notes (2022-07-14; v3.0.296) - Dark color scheme and Student due date feature updates

  • Updated:

A round-up of all improvements and changes to the Buzz platform in version v3.0.296 available on July 14 2022.

Coming soon to Buzz!

We announce significant upcoming features and changes in a standalone Coming soon article that appears at the top of the What's new section.  

Check out what’s coming soon to Buzz!

We're working to improve your SIS sync experience

Grade passback beta ready for participants!

Our grade passback using Buzz's SIS Sync (via OneRoster) is ready for beta!

Thanks to all those who signed up for our Grade passback beta! If you're interested, but haven't signed up, there's still time: System administrators can sign up to get ongoing updates about this feature and to have a chance to take part in our beta program.

  • You must use the Buzz SIS Sync (via OneRoster).
  • If you're not the system administrator in your organization, but want your school to participate, please send this form to your system administrator.

Grade passback participants must configure SIS Sync

Remember that, in order to participate, you must use the Buzz SIS Sync (via OneRoster). If you have signed up to participate, but haven't configured your SIS Sync, that is the first step.

Grade passback beta updates

In this release, we updated the way Grade passback handles activities without assigned due dates. Buzz now uses the End date of the OneRoster Grading period associated with the activity, where it previously used the course End date which didn’t always align with the activity’s Grading period.

Help us strengthen our SIS sync support!

As part of a focused effort to enhance the way we support your SIS sync integrations, we are looking for your input and experience. If you are a teacher or administrator using Buzz's OneRoster SIS sync integration, please take a moment to complete a three-minute survey.

Dark color scheme and Student due date feature updates


In this release, we:

  • Improved the Activity preview screen to display Activity instructions as they appear when viewing the actual activity.
  • Improved hover tooltip hiding behavior to be more responsive when users move the mouse from the hovered element.


In this release, we also resolved an issue with displaying an activity's Submission card when viewing a student's activity from the Observer app.


Updates in version 2022.7.15.577.

Additions, Removal, or Changes:

  • None


  • GetCookie: Fixed an issue where a token may not have been returned if it was also using cookies for authentication.

Have a question or feedback? Let us know over in Discussions!