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A round-up of all improvements and changes to Dawn in version v2021.1112.213902 available on November 12, 2021.
Root admins can now give full and partial refunds right in Dawn!
Organization admin tool updates
Root admins can now give full and partial refunds right in Dawn!
Root admins can now give a full or partial refund to a learner for active or deleted enrollments.
Look for the View payment history option that appears for Root admins in a user's More menu throughout the Administration tools.
Learn more: How do I give refunds in Dawn?
Select it to see all of the user's payment history, and click any payment transaction to give a refund.
Refunds are also reflected in the payment history.
Also, when admins delete learner enrollments for individuals or in bulk, they are now given the option to give those learners a full refund.
Dawn automatically sends a Refund receipt message to users when a refund is processed. The default message is pictured below, and you can make edits to it if you like.
Organization admin tool updates
We've made the following updates to the Administration tools > Organization > Enrollments screen:
- Added Learners needing intervention filter, so admins can help learners more quickly.
- Added Active enrollments filter to make identifying with active learners easier.
- Made the First name, Last name, and Course columns sortable.
Added sorting to the Enrollment Progress report tool
We've added sorting functionality to the Administration tools > Enrollments > Progress screen. All columns are now sortable and the downloadable report retains the displayed sorting. This example is sorted by Mastery.
Other updates
In this release, we also:
- Improved the suggested courses functionality in the Catalog.
- Improved billing functionality.
- Improved editing functions in User settings.