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Agilix Learning Suite Release Notes

Dawn Release Notes (v2021.0920.201151) - User Bios, resend invitations, and more

  • Updated:

A round-up of all improvements and changes to Dawn in version v2021.0920.201151 available on September 20, 2021.

New user Bios!

Users can now create personal Bios that are publicly visible to other site users.

Learn more: How do I create and manage my Profile Bio?

If the coaches or authors for a catalog entry have created Profile Bios for themselves, authors can choose to display them on the the Catalog details screen by checking the boxes next to their names in the Authoring tools > Catalog screen.

Learners and other users can access Bios from their Feed. When they click on your name, a Profile icon appears at the top and clicking it opens your Bio.

Administrators can access Bios from action menu in the Learners screen and from the top-right of the Learner details screen.

Organization administrators can resend invitation emails

Organization administrators can Delete enrollments and resend invitation emails that haven't been responded to in the following locations:


In this release, we also,

  • Limited search results in the Add enrollments dialog to return only users within an Organization if adding them to that Organization.
  • Updated the site footer to show on all major landing screens.
  • Fixed an issue where invitations submitted from authors using the new invite preview function weren't always successfully sent.  

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