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Users can create Bios that are publicly visible to other site users.
Create Bios
Users can create Bios that are publicly visible to other site users.
To create and edit Bios:
- Open the User menu by clicking your name/avatar in the top-right corner and select Account settings.
- Create or edit your Bio on the Profile card, and your changes are automatically saved.
- You can review your Bio by selecting Profile from the User menu.
- From this screen you can review your Bio, click the edit [pencil] icon to make changes to it, and, if you're a coach or author, see which catalog entries have your Bio displayed on the Catalog details screen.
Display author and coach Bios in Catalog
If the coaches or authors for a catalog entry have created Profile Bios for themselves, authors can choose to display them on the the Catalog details screen by checking the boxes next to their names in the Authoring tools > Catalog screen.
Review user Bios
Other users can access your Bio from their Feed. When they click on your name, a Profile icon appears at the top and clicking it opens your Bio.
Administrators can access Bios from action menu in the Learners screen and from the top-right of the Learner details screen.