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Agilix Learning Suite Release Notes

Dawn Release Notes (v2020.1217.183530) - New "at-a-glance" merged questionnaire results!

A round-up of all improvements and changes to Dawn in version v2020.1217.183530 available on December 22, 2020.

New "at-a-glance" merged questionnaire results!

Dawn now automatically roles up all questionnaire responses and merges them to generate charts and graphs for quick analysis.

You can access them in the Administration > Catalog > Enrollments screen. Depending on the type of question, you can find bar graphs, donut (pie) charts, and word clouds.

Bar graphs (Likert scale questions)

Likert scale question results are displayed in stacked bar graphs showing the percentages of learners that chose each response.

Donut (pie) charts (Choice questions)

Choice question results are displayed in donut (pie) charts showing the percentage with which each choice was selected. Only text appears in the legend of this chart (no images or rich text elements).

Word clouds (Essay and short answer questions)

Word clouds are generated for Free response: Essay and Free response: Short answer questions.

Word clouds are images created using the words in selected text; the size of each word in the image is determined by the frequency with which it appears in the text. By generating a word cloud using all of your respondents' answers to the same question, you get an "at-a-glance" way of seeing which ideas are most commonly coming up.


In this release, we also:

  • Fixed an issue where graphic markers were not correctly displaying line breaks.
  • Gave learners the option to save default payment method on their first credit card purchase.

Have a question or feedback? Let us know over in Discussions!