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Agilix Learning Suite Release Notes

Dawn Release Notes (v2020.1105.164155) -- Administrators, Coaches, and Authors can send bulk email in Dawn!

A round-up of all improvements and changes to Dawn in version v2020.1105.164155 available on November 5, 2020.

Administrators, Coaches, and Authors can send bulk email in Dawn!

Dawn users with administration, coaching, and authoring permissions can now contact learners through email in addition to their Dawn Feed.

You can send mail:

  • By checking the Send a copy via email or text box when commenting on threads in the Feed. Notice that you can send to everyone or filter by group.
  • By selecting Send mail in a user's Actions menu.
  • By clicking on the Send email icon where it appears in the toolbar for an entire catalog entry. This button adds all enrollees to the email and honors an filters checked (e.g., Filter to learners needing intervention).

Writing an email in Dawn is like writing one anywhere else: you see the Recipients you've chosen, provide a Subject, Add attachments, and compose the body of the Message.

Allow automatic group sign up for group sessions

When creating a new group session, administrators and coaches can choose to automatically sign up all active learners in the selected group. When using this setting, the Maximum participants option is hidden.

Other updates

In this release, we also:

  • Updated table headers for Questionnaire > Likert questions to remain at the top of the screen/card while scrolling.
  • Fixed an issue where users were unable to update user settings after changing email.
  • Fixed an issue where purchasing courses with an expiration set up would sometimes fail based on when the purchase was made.
  • Updated mobile to show project submission and conversation post video thumbnails.

Have a question or feedback? Let us know over in Discussions!