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Build and manage your Dawn site

How do I set up pricing details for my Dawn courses and other catalog entries?

  • Updated:

Once your Dawn site is set up to collect payments through Stripe, you can easily set full price and promotional price information for your catalog entry in the editor:

  1. Click Catalog in the Settings menu in the course editor.
  2. Choose Payment option (One time fee or Monthly subscription).
  3. Enter the Price, which is the actual price the purchaser pays for the entry.
  4. Enter a Full price (optional), which is the full price that is shown when the entry is using a sale price.
  5. Create a Promotional message, which shows when the entry is using a sale price. If an alternative sales tool needs to be set up for your entry, you can use this line to direct customers to that tool (e.g., Contact to purchase this course for your entire school district.).

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