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Agilix Learning Suite Release Notes

Dawn Release Notes (v2020.0514.165134) - Storage optimization and improved billing management

  • Updated:

A round-up of all improvements and changes to Dawn in version v2020.0514.165134 available on May 14, 2020.

Storage and billing optimization

To improve storage performance and tracking, we:

  • Optimized video upload and storage, so they are automatically saved in the most efficient streaming format.
  • Gave authors the ability to see the file size of each course resource, so they know how much storage a course is using for billing purposes.

To improve billing processes, we:

Other updates

In this release, we also:

  • Improved UI, so authors are prompted to choose the transcript language when uploading videos and the transcript is immediately generated.
  • Added a warning for administrators if they choose the same color for primary and accent colors.
  • Updated course creation to allow authors to choose .mov files for course content.
  • Added a separate User agreement field and the ability to require users to accept it on first login (Dawn sites includes a standard agreement, but we recommend site owners tailor it to your site's needs).
  • Added a separate Privacy policy field and the ability to require users to accept it on first login (Dawn sites includes a standard agreement, but we recommend site owners tailor it to your site's needs).


In this release, we:

  • Updated Feeds to no longer show coach questions in other learners' feeds when they followed the course feed.
  • Fixed an issue where files uploaded with special characters in the filename to a project submission or as a conversation attachment would not succeed.

Continuity of Learning program

With the support of AWS, a growing coalition of publishing partners are offering online courses for free to schools closed due to COVID-19.⁣⁣

Schools can learn more and participate at ⁣⁣ ⁣⁣⁣

Interested publishers can contact us at Please use #continuityoflearningcoalition as the subject. ⁣


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