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How do I enable BusyBee study tools for assessments?

  • Updated:

For some Assessments, teachers want students to have access to help that reinforces their learning. To support this, the following BusyBee study tools can be enabled for students to use during an assessment as long as they are enabled in your domain:

These tools are configured to work with students as they complete the assessment without simply giving them answers to the questions.

The Help My Student tool is also supported in assessments for teachers and enabled using these same steps.

To enable BusyBee tools for an assessment:

  1. In the Assessment activity editor, select Settings.
  2. Scroll to Advanced assessment options and check the Allow BusyBee tools for assessment box.
  3. Save.

For this assessment, the supported BusyBee tools (Get Help, Check My Understanding, Review Key Concepts) are now available to your students and Help My Student is available for teachers.

Only the tools that are enabled in your domain can be enabled for an assessment

For example, if you have Check My Understanding disabled for your domain, this setting will not make it available to your students.

Enable or disable BusyBee study tools for multiple assessments at once (Bulk edit)

You can enable or disable these BusyBee study tools for multiple assessments at once using Buzz's Bulk edit tool:

  1. In the course Editor, select the Activity list.
  2. Check the boxes next to the assessments you want to edit.
  3. Click Bulk edit in the toolbar.
  1. Check the Allow BusyBee tools for assessment box.
  2. Select Yes or No.
  3. Check the I understand that these changes are permanent box to confirm your selection.
  4. Click Update.

BusyBee is a Buzz Add-on, currently enabled only for select pilot customers

If you are interested in trying BusyBee, reach out to your account manager.


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