Say 👋 hello to BusyBee, your AI-powered learning & teaching companion for Buzz. Learn more!
TutorKit is designed to help you get the most out of tutoring by providing:
- Regular, real-time connection with Tutors who are prepared to work with you and your material on your schedule.
- Easy-to-use scheduling, session browsing, and session invitation tools.
- Learning tools and materials for pre- and post-session work.
- Opportunities to leave feedback for Tutors and program Administrators.
This article covers how to:
Sign into TutorKit
When you're added to TutorKit, you will receive a link from your tutoring program that you can use to sign in using your email.
Use your Dashboard
When you sign in, you are brought to your Dashboard. You can also open the Dashboard by clicking home (the name and icon of your program) in the top, left corner (in the example below the home is called Community 1).
where you can:
- Edit settings (your Availability, profile photo, contact info, etc).
- Review and join Active sessions.
- Review, prepare for, and rsvp to Upcoming sessions.
- Use the toolbar or the side menu to:
- Browse tutor sessions in the calendar to review all sessions.
- View meeting history.
Edit your Settings
On your Settings screen, you can set up:
- Your Profile Photo and Name.
- Your Preferences, including light or dark color scheme or High contrast theme for accessibility.
- The email and/or phone number you want Notifications delivered to.
- Your Availability, so Tutors can invite you to sessions during the correct dates and times.
Accept and join tutoring sessions
There are two types of tutoring sessions you can join in TutorKit:
Invitation-only sessions, which are sessions that you have been specifically invited to join. If you've been invited to a session:
- You get an email about it.
- You can see Invited in the Upcoming session information.
- You are able to decline the session by clicking I will not attend
- Open-invitation sessions, which are session times that Tutors put on the calendar for any student to join. You can browse these sessions and click the I'll be there for any you want to attend.
Learn more: How do I accept and join tutoring sessions?
You can use the My sessions filter to see only the sessions you've been invited to.
Review meeting History
On the Session history screen, you can review each tutoring session you've attended from most recent to oldest. You can click on any of them for more details and to leave feedback.