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How do I use My feed to communicate in Dawn?

  • Updated:

The My feed feature in Dawn allows you to communicate with coaches and other learners in Dawn. To use it, simply click on the My feed icon (chat bubble) anywhere you see it.

When you open My feed, you see:

  1. An overview of your communications in Dawn (posts, submissions, peer and coach reviews, and interactions with coaches and other learners). Notice that you can edit, delete, and comment on your own posts as well as add/remove your Projects from public galleries. You are also able to comment on, use the applaud reaction, and give star reviews to others' public posts.
  2. A Viewing header which shows you how the content is filtered. In the image below, the learner has clicked My feed from the Learner dashboard, so they see communications from all of their enrollments. If you click it while in a catalog entry, the results are filtered to communications within that entry.
  3. A Jump to... header which, when clicked, allows you to filter the content shown in My feed to specific enrollments or groups.
  4. If your browser supports it, you see a Turn on notifications option.
  5. A space to create a New post. You can include images, videos, or files. Clicking Post as private message makes the post visible only to coaches and administrators.

Push notifications

Enabling Turn on notifications, allows your browser to push notifications pertaining to any feeds you are following in Dawn through your operating system, so they surface anywhere you are on your device.

Note: If you are using iOS Safari on a mobile device, you have to add your Dawn app to the homescreen. iOS throttles some push notifications, so you may not see all push notifications.


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