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In order to to create a Tutoring session, you must first import tutors and students to your TutorKit site.
Only Administrators can add and manage users in TutorKit. When adding users, you are asked to select a Role for them, provide some basic information, and provide their email; the email is required as users will need it to sign in.
TutorKit Roles
You can add users to your TutorKit site in one of the following roles:
- Students, who can browse and attend tutoring sessions.
- Tutors, who can create, browse, and lead tutoring sessions, and create and manage Resources.
- Administrators, who can invite and manage all users, manage user Roles, create and manage Communities, browse and create tutoring sessions, create and manage Resources and Tags, and track tutoring session Reports.
Once you've added users to your TutorKit site, you can make changes to their Roles, including assigning them the role of Administrator, Tutor which combines the permissions of those two roles.
How do I import tutors?
To import new tutors:
- Click Manage users in the side menu or Users in the toolbar and click Add users.
- On the Add users screen, select Tutors.
- Click Next.
TutorKit Community users
If you're using Communities, you are asked to select the tutor's Community on this screen.
Learn more: Add administrators, tutors, and students to Communities
- Enter tutors in one of two ways:
- Enter manually: In the field provided, enter details of the users you want to invite as tutors. Follow the instructions provided above the field.
- Import a CSV file: Upload a tab-delimited or comma-separated file. In creating the file, follow the same data directions outlined for Enter manually.
- Click Next.
- The entered or uploaded data appears in columns under dropdown menus. In the dropdown menus, select the data type that corresponds with the data beneath each to ensure they are mapped correctly.
- Click Next.
- Review the data, add anything that's missing, and click the Add tutor button to confirm.
- All added users are able to sign in with their email.
When you click Users in the toolbar, you now see the newly added tutor. When they sign in for the first time, their status changes from Invited to Active. You can also click Edit to make changes to that user, including:
- Connecting Tags
- Changing their Role
- Changing their Community
How do I import students?
To import students:
- Click Manage users in the side menu or Users in the toolbar and click Add users.
- On the Add users screen, select Students.
- Click Next.
TutorKit Community users
If you're using Communities, you are asked to select the student's Community on this screen.
Learn more: Add administrators, tutors, and students to Communities
- Enter students in one of two ways:
- Enter manually: In the field provided, enter details of the users you want to invite as students. Follow the instructions provided above the field.
- Import a CSV file: Upload a tab-delimited or comma-separated file. In creating the file, follow the same data directions outlined for Enter manually.
- Click Next.
- The entered or uploaded data appears in columns under dropdown menus. In the dropdown menus, select the data type that corresponds with the data beneath each to ensure they are mapped correctly.
- Click Next.
- Review the data, add anything that's missing, and click the Add student button to confirm.
- All added users are able to sign in with their email.
When you click Users in the toolbar, you now see the newly added student. When they sign in for the first time, their status changes from Invited to Active. You can also click Edit to make changes to that user, including:
- Changing their Role
- Changing their Community
How do I import administrators?
To import administrators:
- Click Manage users in the side menu or Users in the toolbar and click Add users.
- On the Add users screen, select Administrators.
- Click Next.
TutorKit Community users
If you're using Communities, you are asked to select the administrator's Community on this screen.
Learn more: Add administrators, tutors, and students to Communities
- Enter administrators in one of two ways:
- Enter manually: In the field provided, enter details of the users you want to invite as administrators. Follow the instructions provided above the field.
- Import a CSV file: Upload a tab-delimited or comma-separated file. In creating the file, follow the same data directions outlined for Enter manually.
- Click Next.
- The entered or uploaded data appears in columns under dropdown menus. In the dropdown menus, select the data type that corresponds with the data beneath each to ensure they are mapped correctly.
- Click Next.
- Review the data, add anything that's missing, and click the Add administrator button to confirm.
- All added users are able to sign in with their email.
When you click Users in the toolbar, you now see the newly added administrator. When they sign in for the first time, their status changes from Invited to Active. You can also click Edit to make changes to that user, including:
- Changing their Role
- Changing their Community
How do I manage users?
Once users are added to your TutorKit site, you can make changes to their profiles.
- Click Users in the toolbar to Manage users.
- You can Search or filter the users by Tag, Community (if you're using them), and/or Role.
- You can bulk edit Community and Role by checking boxes next to users and clicking Edit selected.
- You can make changes to individual users by clicking Edit next to their name.
- You can add or change the user's Photo, as well as their name, Community (if you're using them), and Role.
- Note: You can also change your Role on this screen. If you created your TutorKit website, you are automatically assigned the role of Administrator, so you can manage the site. If you want to act as a Tutor as well, select Administrator, Tutor, so you don't lose administrator permissions.
- You can also make changes to their email and phone number in the Notifications screen.
- Click Delete user to remove them from TutorKit.