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As a tutoring program administrator, you can use TutorKit to can bring together students, tutors, and learning tools and resources to coordinate high-impact tutoring sessions and track success. Think of this as a thriving TutorKit community.

TutorKit also allows you to create and manage additional Communities within a single TutorKit site.
When you do this:
- Your original site becomes a Parent Community.
- Each additional Community automatically inherits all Tags you create at the Parent Community level.
- You can lease Tutors, LTI tools, and Resources to any of the additional Communities you create, so they can use them in their tutoring sessions.
- Each Community administrator can add their own community-specific Administrators, Tutors, Students, Tags, LTI tools, and Resources.
- Each Community coordinates and runs their own tutoring sessions independently of each other.
- Parent Community administrators can oversee, add to, and manage all Communities while Community administrators can oversee, add to, and manage only their Community.

Create Communities
To create Communities in your TutorKit site:
- Open your Configure tool from the toolbar.
- Select Communities.
- Click Add community.

- Provide a Community Name and Logo (optional).
- Add community.

- If you have already added students to your site, you are asked if you want to move them to the newly create Community. You can always move students (as well as other users) between Communities at any time using the Users tool.

- All Communities can be reviewed, edited, and deleted from the Configure > Communities screen.
- Notice that a new dropdown labeled Community appears on the screen. This dropdown appears on any screen that you can filter by Community. The name of your TutorKit site appears as the Parent Community; when it is selected, all data in your site is displayed.

Add administrators, tutors, and students to Communities
When adding new users to a TutorKit site with Communities, you are asked to select the Community you want them assigned to. When selecting a Community for new users, keep the following in mind:
- Administrators assigned to the Parent Community (which uses the name of your site) can manage everything in all Communities. Administrators assigned to a Community can manage only that Community.
- Tutors assigned to the Parent Community can be leased to any of the other Communities by a Parent Community administrator. Tutors assigned to a Community can tutor only in that Community.
- Students can participate only in their assigned Community's tutoring sessions.

You can always move users between Communities after they've been added. To do so:
- Open the Users tool from the toolbar.
- Click Edit next to the desired user.

- In the Community dropdown, select the desired Community.

Lease Tutors, LTI tools, and Resources to Communities
Tutors, LTI tools, and Resources that are assigned to the Parent Community can be leased to the other Communities in the site.
Note: Tags created in the Parent Community are automatically inherited by other Communities. Any Tags created in a separate Community are applicable only in that Community.
Lease Tutors
To lease a tutor:
- Open the Users tool from the toolbar.
- Click Edit next to the desired tutor.

- In the Leased communities dropdown, select the desired Communities.
This tutor can now be added to tutoring sessions for the Parent Community and any leased Community.

Lease LTI tools
To lease an LTI tool:
- Open the Configure tool from the toolbar.
- Select the LTI tools window.
- Click the Lease LTI tool button for the desired LTI tool.

- In the Add lease dropdown, select the desired Communities.
- Close.
Resources from this LTI tool can now be used in the selected Community's tutoring sessions.

Lease Resources
To lease existing Resources:
- Open the Library tool from the toolbar.
- Click the desired Resource.

- In the Leased communities dropdown, select the desired Communities.
- Save resources.
This Resource can now be used in the selected Community's tutoring sessions.

You are also able to select Leased communities when creating a new Resource.