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Coach with Dawn

How do I schedule coaching sessions with learners?

  • Updated:

Coaches can schedule 1-on-1 and 1-to-many coaching sessions in Dawn.

Create 1-on-1 coaching sessions for learners

Coaches can schedule 1-on-1 coaching sessions for enrollments using their Coaching tools on the following screens:

Administrators can schedule them using their Administration tools on the following screens:

To do so:

  1. Choose an enrollment if you're creating the session from one of the Learners screens.
  1. Select the Live events tab and click Schedule a session.
  2. Select the desired catalog entry from the Choose an enrollment dropdown.
  1. Provide:
    • A Session title.
    • The Coach who will lead the session.
    • The Learner email.
    • The Start date and Start time.
    • Specify the Session length.
    • Select the Session type (Phone call, Online meeting or other website, Other).
    • Provide the Location (URL, phone number, etc) learners will use to join the session.
  2. Click Schedule a session.

The session now appears in your Upcoming events. You can click on it to review the details or cancel it.

The event also appears in the learner's Live events feed.

Dawn also sends automated emails to you and the learner confirming the session.

Add group sessions for 1-to-many coaching

To schedule a 1-to-many coaching session:

  1. Open your Live events tab from your dashboard.
  2. Click Add live event.
  1. On the window that pops up:
    • Provide a Session title.
    • Choose the Catalog entry.
    • Select which Group the session is available for (if the course has groups).
    • Provide the Start date and Start time.
    • Specify the Session length.
    • If you chose a group, above, you have the option to Automatically sign up all group members.
    • Check the Allow only administrators to sign up participants box if you want to make the session invite-only.
    • Set a Maximum participants limit (this doesn't appear if you've chosen to Automatically sign up all group members).
    • Select the Session type (Phone call, Online meeting or other website, Other).
    • Provide the Address or URL learners will use to join the session.
  2. Click Add live event.

The event now appears in your Live events and you are sent a confirmation email.

Once scheduled, learners in the selected group see a notification under upcoming events in their Feed and on their Learner dashboard where they can Reserve a seat. When learners reserve a seat, they are sent an email with the session details.

Add and remove learners from group sessions

Coaches and Site administrators can click on group sessions anywhere they appear to:

  • Review seats that have been reserved.
  • Remove learners or groups from the session.
  • Add learners or groups of learners to the session (if an individual from an added group has already signed up, they will not be duplicated). When you add learners, they see it in their Live events feed and receive an email.

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